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Monday, November 8, 2010

first driving lesson
last Saturday, i had my first driving lesson. it was scary but exciting at the same time. i manage to drive on some busy main roads like stud road. i think i almost crash into a stationery car at the side(so not a good thing)it is a good thing the instructor had his own brake at his side of the car. looking forward to the next driving lesson on Saturday

~ { 4:14 PM }
So Left Out;

Monday, October 25, 2010

A long story cut short
“Bang!... Bang!...” the sound of the guns were going off. Soldiers from mainland China were marching into the country people were screaming, shouting and crying all day long. Everywhere you go, you could see dead bodies lying around and you could hear the cries of their spirit calling for help.
It is the year 1949, and a disastrous war was about to hit Tibet. Ever since the Yuan Dynasty, the Republic of China has been in control of my beloved country, Tibet. The Chinese government saw that taking control of Tibet is a way of gaining land and power and hope that this makes life more comfortable for the Chinese people. But we despise the idea of our land and people being used and controlled by others. Therefore, we want to be an independent country.
On my 10th birthday, my father had just come back after a long day of work along with my 18 year old brother, Dojie. That night, to celebrate the occasion, my mother had cooked up a feast that we only ate once a year. We had Thenthuk with fresh meat, which cost my father’s entire week salary. We also had Tibetan Sausages (yak meat, yak blood and flour) and Salted Yak Butter Tea. Halfway through this dinner, one of my father old friends knocks on the door and asks to speak to my father. As they were taking a good long time to talk, I went to the open the door to eavesdrop on my father’s conversation. I could not hear anything, but I saw that my father’s face was turning very serious.
The next morning, my father and brother went out to work as usual, or at least that’s what we thought. During midday, my 12 year old sister, Dechen, and I followed my mother to the nearby markets to seel some of my mother’s handmade clothing. While we were no the way to the market, I saw some strange looking people carrying guns and other weapons in their hands. After seeing this, my mother whisper into my sister’s ear, “Quick, bring Dawa home.” Upon hearing this, we knew that something was not right. My sister held my hands and we hurried home.
Soon we could hear lots of screaming, shouting and the sounds of guns going off. Out of curiosity, I went to the window to see what was happening. Dead bodies were lying around and blood spilt everywhere, on the ground and even on the walls. That night, my brother and father did not come back. The next morning, one of our neighbours came knocking on the door. After she left, my mother went to her room, broke down and cried. And that next thing I know is that my mother was lying on the ground motionless and there was a cut around her neck, with blood oozing out. There was a note in her hand saying that my both my father and brother had joined an insurgent group. They had been caught yesterday and my father got killed while me brother is nowhere to be found. She also asked her to go and find our grandparents. Tears filled our eyes as we did not want to leave, we still decided to leave in obedience to our mother’s last words.
After packing some of our stuff, my sister and I left as quietly as possible. We sneak out through the back door and head towards our grandparents house. Waking for about one hour so far, I could hear footsteps coming towards us. I turn back and look to see the there were soldiers with guns behind us. My sister shouted, “Run Dawa run.” And we run as fast as we could. But soon the soldiers caught up with us and brought us to labour camp. In the labour camp, we were very to see our brother there. He was cover with wound and could hardly talk. Not long after, he was brought into a room. Little did we know that that was the last time we will see him. At the labour camp, we were force to go to the farms everyday and had to work all day long. We were only given a small piece of man tou and a cup of water each meal. And if we were caught being lazy and not doing the work, we were being beaten badly or not getting any food for the day. Once, I sat down for a rest as I thought that there were no soldiers looking, I got caught and was being lock in a room alone with no food for an entire day. Feeling hungry and lost, I started to think that how live might be if my father had not joined the insurgent group and if China was not so greedy. Life would be so much better and happier, and so many lives will not be sacrifice at the cost of this horrendous war. As the day past, my sister and I struggle to survive each day with little food and a day of hard work. About a year or more had past and we were release from the camp and we continued our journey to find our grandparents
Although there is no longer any war going in Tibet now, I still live each day of my live in fear. Fear that another war might happen anytime, a fear that my sister may leave me like my parents and brother. One day, after a long decision, I ask my sister if she wants to leave the country with me, as looking at the land will remind me of what happen years ago. She said that she is still not ready to go and said that I could go alone and just remember to keep in contact with her. A few weeks later, I tool a boat, heading for a Australia. And about a month later, I arrived in Australia, to start a new life again, hoping to leave all my fears behind.

~ { 4:45 PM }
So Left Out;

Sunday, July 19, 2009

finally found some nice Singapore and Malay food in Melbourne. went to eat today. although the food are quite expensive, but it tastes really good.
tomorrow will be the first day of term 3. feeling quite nervous now. will be doing new electives for next 2 term. last semester, i didn't do very well for 2 of my electives, photography and music tec.
this semester i will be doing f&n, music performance and art (i really really hate art).
got back my scholarship test results a few weeks ago. did badly and didn't manage to get the scholarship

~ { 5:24 PM }
So Left Out;

Sunday, May 31, 2009

its been a long time since i've posted. many things had happened; got drench during sport day a few weeks ago-white house won, joined a cooking club in school, had the naplan test, open house, help out in the church children's ministry team and many others.i really really stress out now. next week going to have mid year exam and i have not started my revision.recieve a good news last friday-if i do well for math during the mid year exam, i will get to go to the advance math class.but i think the good results my teacher meant was to get 100% again. my math teacher is like giving me a lot of stress, always wanting me to get 100% for all test.
had 10 memory verse test and also memory verse competition last friday. mamage to memories all 10 memory verse and came in 3rd in the competition.
yesterday, went to school for the scholarship test. suppose to wear casual clothes, but i thought need to wear school uniform. so i ended up being the only one wearing school uniform.the test was tough. i dont think i will get the scholarship.

~ { 2:24 PM }
So Left Out;

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

how time flies! 2 weeks of city cite has pass and we are left with 2 days to do finish the Big Question, don't know how are we going to do that as my group have lots of disagreement luckily 4 these 2 days no problem. did an interview with my dad's fren today. he was really nice to let us interview him.
4 the pass 2 weeks, i went to many places, the Eureka tower, the magistrate court, the old court, melboure old gaol(which was very creepy and scary) watch hourse botanical garden, vitoria market and many many more.what i like about city cite is that it is like going to work everyday, i feel very independent. and during lunch time, we can go any where we like to hav lunch plus we get to use our phone almost all the time.
lastly, thanks you all who remember my birthday yesterday.

~ { 9:15 PM }
So Left Out;

Monday, March 16, 2009

what a long and tiring day! today is the first day of city cite is was quite fun but but very tiring, got to walk a lot. in the morning, we had a activity called 'our backyard' . it is something like amazing race. we've got to go with our small groups around the city to find places and fill in a question on the sheet. my group and another group came in first. yay!
after lunch, we had to do photo essay. my group decided to do on docklands. so we took a tram down to docklands. there was a lot of walking (i almost vomited), and we took many photos. the scenery at docklands was really beautiful. in my group is me(of course), Allison, Kirsten, Josh and Daniel. Josh and Daniel was like so excited about this they were very involved and was walking very fast. as usual, Kirsten was also very involved. so with them doing almost everything, Allison and i was just taking a slow walk and didn't do must. it was a very exciting day. well tomorrow, my class will be going to the national museum

~ { 6:43 PM }
So Left Out;

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

memory verses that i need to memories this week.
3. do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night so that u may be careful to do everything written in it. then u will be prosperous and successful.
joshua 1:8
4. trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him,and he will make your path straight.
proverbs 3:5-6
ok that all for today i 'm havin a terrible headache and going to sleep soon

~ { 8:59 PM }
So Left Out;